It’s not all Trump’s fault . . .

In the wake of Republicans having their “red wave” become a mere ripple in a blue stream all the blame for the GOP failure seems  to come to rest on one major cause: Donald Trump.

For example: “A red wave of criticism crashes into Donald Trump after midterm losses,” says the Washington Post, quoting current Republicans about how Trump’s endorsements and his poorly-attended ranting, raving “rallies” didn’t help. The Guardian goes with “Republicans have someone to blame for their disappointing result: Donald Trump.” And Fox Business quotes former Trump adviser Mercedes Schlapp  saying that Republicans were being too hasty to blame Trump.

The problem, of course, is that blaming Trump is bullshit.

Oh, sure, Donald Trump always has and always will suck the hair off donkey balls if he thinks it can get him some attention, devotion, and most of all — cash. His ego is a black hole of need, and those who venture to stick their toes in are always sucked in and sucked dry.

But Trump didn’t force any of candidates to suck his dick.

They all had a chance to bail on him after the January 6 insurrection, but they didn’t. They went along with whatever lies he wanted to tell. They went along for the ride, like the ass kissers they are, nourishing their ambitions from his free-floating rants.

Republicans are to blame for Republicans fucking up the midterms.

However, the real problem isn’t that Republican politicians suck. No, the actual blame belongs with their voters, as it always has. You don’t get off the hook because you supported absolute garbage candidates like Blake Masters or Lee Zeldin or Kari Lake or Dr. Oz.

No — listen up, Republican voters:  Fuck you for being so gullible, so simple, so hateful that you’d rather put Doug Mastriano or “Dr.” Oz in office than voting for  someone who actually gives a shit about your problems.  You idiot children think the problems are  critical race theory and drag queens.  You dumbasses believe whatever Fox “news” and other assholes tell you.  I mean — kids claiming they’re cats and shitting in litter boxes? Goddamn, how do you look yourself in the mirror and not laugh at how dumb and debased you are for believing things like that. Join reality or go live on Dumbass Island, unvaxxed and uneducated.

So when Republicans look for someone to blame for the “red wave” that didn’t happen, you have only yourselves to blame — all Trump did was to recognize just how ignorant and gullible you are.