Here it is . . . the film Trump does not want you to see.
This film is one hour, 20 minutes long. Forward this link to everyone you know. Invite friends over to watch it.
Our Constitutional Republic faces a clear and present danger more deadly than that of the Civil War. The danger is the Republican Party, a "political party" that has sold out to white supremacy, autocracy, misogyny, and hatred of everything our Nation stands for. Republicans dismiss any sense of a common American narrative. The "Republican Party" is an outlier in our history – ideologically extreme; contemptuous of social and economic policies that have sustained us for a century; unwilling to compromise; dismissive of evidence, fact, and science; dismissive of the legitimacy of any viewpoint except their own. America needs to face the simple, frightening fact that the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.
Here it is . . . the film Trump does not want you to see.
This film is one hour, 20 minutes long. Forward this link to everyone you know. Invite friends over to watch it.