Trump descends deeper into madness, holds 39-minute dance party

Trump holds bizarre campaign rally that turns into a 39-minute Trump dance party

As Kamala Harris was calling Trump “unstable and unhinged” during her campaign rally in Eerie, PA, Trump was proving Harris’s point at his rally in Oaks, PA. Trump was supposed to host a townhall, but answered only two questions in his incoherent, non-linear, incomprehensible fashion. After two people in the crowd fainted, Trump said,

Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?

See WaPo, Trump sways and bops to music for 39 minutes in bizarre town-hall episode. (Accessible to all.)

The bizarre scene is described by WaPo as follows:

For 39 minutes, Trump swayed, bopped — sometimes stopping to speak — as he turned the event into almost a living-room listening session of his favorite songs from his self-curated rally playlist.

He played nine tracks. He danced. He shook hands with people onstage. He pointed to the crowd. Noem stood beside him, nodding with her hands clasped. Trump stayed in place onstage, slowly moving back and forth. He was done answering questions for the night. [¶]

. . . . Trump’s decision to cut the question-and-answer portion of the town hall short and instead have the crowd stay to listen to his favorite songs was a somewhat bizarre move, given that the election was only 22 days away. It also comes as Vice President Kamala Harris has called Trump, 78, unstable and called into question his mental acuity.

Trump is descending into madness. The major media should lead every news cycle with scorching questions about Trump’s mental fitness—right after stories about his promise to use the military against the American people. Trump is unraveling in front of our eyes. Make sure everyone knows about this story. It is important—especially given that Biden was forced out of the race over a single debate performance.

Why do we have Trump? Because of cowards like Glenn Youngkin

In a speech on Monday, Kamala Harris significantly ratcheted up her attacks on Donald Trump’s ugly threats to persecute his political enemies. She described Trump as increasingly “unstable and unhinged.” Harris’s comments came four days after Trump called for the military to be deployed against the “enemy within”—enemies identified by Trump as the “radical left.” See MSNBCTrump suggests using the military to address ‘the enemy from within’. Trump later identified Rep. Adam Schiff as one of the “enemy within.”

Trump made the following statements to Fox personality Maria Bartiromo in an interview last Friday:

I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics. . . .

It should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard — or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.

Trump’s threats of using the military are not idle. During his term, he repeatedly ordered his subordinates to use the US military against civilians—including “just shoot[ing] protesters in the legs”—but those subordinates refused or ignored his orders. See, e.g., Council on Foreign Relations (6/5/2020), Trump’s Threat to Use the Military Against Protesters: What to Know.

In her speech in Eerie, Pennsylvania, Kamala Harris strongly condemned Trump’s threats to use the military against political opponents. See CNN, Harris uses Trump’s ‘enemy from within’ comment to portray GOP rival as dangerous and unstable.

Kamala Harris’s new aggressiveness against Trump’s promised despotism is something that many (frustrated) Democratic faithful have been hoping for. Harris’s full speech in Eerie is here: YouTube | Kamala Harris in Eerie, PA. It is worth watching the entire thirty-minute speech.

If you don’t have time to watch the entire speech, I urge you to watch the final ten minutes. Kamala Harris is on fire as she describes Trump as the threat to democracy he is. And she uses a video montage of Trump’s repeated threats to persecute his political enemies. It is a “must-watch” moment of history. See YouTube | Kamala Harris addresses Trump’s comments re “the enemy within”.

Go ahead and watch the final ten minutes of Kamala’s speech, here. I’ll wait!

Using the military against civilians is the common tactic of fascist governments everywhere. It is a singular moment in American history when a major party candidate is using threats of military force against US citizens as a campaign promise.

How did we get here? Answer: Glenn Youngkin.

Why Glenn Youngkin? Because Youngkin spent Sunday excusing and defending Trump’s threat to use the military against Americans. Trump makes such threats because spineless cowards like Glenn Youngkin not only refuse to condemn him but rise to defend him. In the absence of the Glenn Youngkins of the world (and his ilk), there would be no cover for Trump’s obscene threats against Americans and the rule of law.

On Sunday, Jake Tapper read Trump’s comments to Glenn Youngkin and asked the governor of Virginia to condemn Trump’s remarks. In a tortured five minutes, Youngkin refused, repeatedly claiming that Tapper was “misinterpreting” Trump’s remarks. When Tapper repeatedly said, “I am reading his comments verbatim, let me show you the video,” Youngkin refused to condemn the comments and suggested that Trump didn’t mean what he said.

See CNN, Tapper presses Youngkin on Trump’s authoritarian rhetoric. If you can, watch five minutes of this interview. Warning: You may nauseous.

Youngkin clearly (and wrongly) believes he has a political future that is dependent on not angering Trump’s cultish base. Youngkin has made the political calculation that advancing his future political prospects is more important than protecting Americans against a threat of military force to achieve the partisan pollical goals of the president.

Can you imagine what the Framers would say about such a proposition?

Glenn Youngkin is, of course, a surrogate for every Republican politician who pretends to be a reasonable and moral leader with the nation’s best interests at heart. In reality, they are faithless cowards whose only loyalty is to themselves. They represent the worst of America. They are depraved, soulless, and spineless. The are cloyingly self-righteous as they look straight at the camera and lie for someone JD Vance called “America’s Hitler.”

There will be a time (soon) when Americans will face a moral and political reckoning for the depravity of the Trump presidency and MAGA movement. There is no ambiguity in where the moral and political judgments will fall or how future historians will view Trump’s supporters, enablers, and co-conspirators.

They are hoping only that they can delay that day of reckoning on which their white nationalism, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and depravity will be universally condemned. The historical precedents for such a reckoning abound.

On Monday, Kamala Harris began the process of moral and political reckoning. Good. She should keep it up until the major media begins every news cycle with this headline, “Candidate for US presidency threatens to use US military against Americans.” There is no story bigger than that—and it deserves to be at the top of the news 24/7 until Election Day.

Virginia Governor Glenn Trumpkin kisses Trump’s ass on national TV

Governor Glenn Trumpkin finally dropped all pretense last night on CNN with Jake Tapper when Gov. Red Vest made it clear he supports Trump’s promise to “unleash the military” against his political opponents.

Youngkin lied, shifted from side to side, tried to make excuses for Trump but Tapper was having none of it.

Youngkin revealed that he is fully in the bag with Trump, Putin, Orban, Kim, and Hitler.

The only question is how much of the Virginia National Guard will Youngkin commit to keep Trump in power and to arrest Democrats.

But it’s incompetent clowns like Youngkin with the coiffed hair, the WalMart red vests, the Harvard Business School diploma who know better than the rest of us. They make Trump possible

Youngkin rode into power on a combination of: 1) a torrent of lies; 2) racist lies about “CRT”; 3) demagoguery; 4) massive media failure to hold him to account; and 5) lots of $$$.

We can all be thankful that in a few months we Virginians can send Youngkin back to his $40 million tax-free golden parachute; send Miyares back to hanging around ER entrances handing out his business card; send Sears back to her family’s home appliance repair business; and solidify Democratic control of the General Assembly.

Watch Youngkin debase himself here.

Are all Trump voters Nazis, or, are all Nazis Trump voters??

Note the caption — this boat parade was sponsored by the Republican National Committee and was led by Lara Trump, Trump’s daughter-in-law.

All those 538 polls that look good for Trump?

He’s paying for them.

Trump has Paid for Many of the Swing State Polls used by 538

If you look at the National vs. Swing State polls, you might notice a pattern.

Nationally Harris is winning by about 2.5-3 points and in many of the swing states, Trump is ahead by a small margin.

When you look at the swing state polls where Trump is ahead, one name shows up multiple times with multiple sponsors.


If you look at the National polls, only one sponsor appears: The Wall Street Journal. These national polls stopped in mid August.

If you look at say, Michigan, Fabrizio is partnered with multiple other pollsters in various combinations. The sponsor varies but does include Trump himself.

For example, in Michigan, you have the following combinations:
– Fabrizio, Lee & Associates/McLaughlin & Associates
– Fabrizio, Lee & Associates/GBAO
– Fabrizio Ward
– Fabrizio, Lee & Associates/Impact Research

While these have different sponsors, 538 considers these separate polls even though they are performed by the same firm.

These are true in each of the swing state polls. The number of times Fabrizio is used outnumbers all other pollsters in each state.

Now, consider the sponsorship of this pollster. According to OpenSecrets, Trump and Republicans have paid this pollster more than $4 million in this election cycle as of July 16th of this year with Trump spending about 75% of that total. See:

I expect to see that number more than doubled when the next batch of FEC filings are made.

As many analysts have noted: Trump is doing this to set the pretext for him to claim the election is stolen when he loses. Always follow the money. Remember, there is only one poll that matters and that is happening now through early voting and concludes on November 5th. As Obama says, don’t boo, VOTE!

This is what Trump has accomplished

Email shows hurricane recovery officials in N.C. relocated amid report of “armed militia.”   Safety fears are growing as misinformation collides with a large-scale federal recovery effort.

LAKE LURE, N.C. — Federal emergency response personnel on Saturday had employees operating in hard-hit Rutherford County, N.C., stop working and move to a different area because of concerns over “armed militia” threatening government workers in the region, according to an email sent to federal agencies helping with response in the state.

Around 1 p.m. Saturday, an official with the U.S. Forest Service, which is supporting recovery efforts after Hurricane Helene along with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, sent an urgent message to numerous federal agencies warning that “FEMA has advised all federal responders Rutherford County, NC, to stand down and evacuate the county immediately. The message stated that National Guard troops ‘had come across x2 trucks of armed militia saying there were out hunting FEMA.'”

“The IMTs [incident management teams] have been notified and are coordinating the evacuation of all assigned personnel in that county,” the email added.

Two federal officials confirmed the authenticity of the email, though it was unclear whether the quoted threat was seen as credible. The National Guard referred questions to FEMA when asked about the incident. One Forest Service official coordinating the Helene recovery said responders moved to a “safe area” and at least some work in that area — which included clearing trees off dozens of damaged and blocked roads to help search-and-rescue crews, as well as groups delivering supplies — was paused.

CHAOS IN MAGAland — Trump rally-goers stranded for hours!!!

If you are stupid enough to support Trump . . . and if you compound your stupidity by attending a Trump rally, you deserve what you get.

Chaos in Maga land!!! Trump supporters stranded in the Coachella valley.

Stranded at Trump rally in Coachella. Surely someone is to blame.  When I tell you they are in the middle of nowhere, I am serious. Thoughts & prayers! Watch out for the coyotes!

“This is criminal” says attendee. Trump’s Coachella rally attendees are still stranded at midnight and have been told no more buses are coming. Are RivCo deputies going to transport them to safety or will Trump save them?


I say piss on them.  If you are stupid enough to support Trump, you deserve what you get.