I can’t decide of Trump supporters are (1) very, very stupid, or, (2) certifiably insane, or, (3) aliens from another planet,

Watch and listen to this MAGAt.

The people he’s talking about with bullhorns, directing the crowd and pushing barricades out of the way — were Proud Boys.  They planned the attack in advance based on a document called “1776 Returns” and showed up incognito in order to operate without being recognized.

But they were, and they’ve been prosecuted and convicted for Seditious Conspiracy. As they should have been.

But this brain donor thinks it was really “Antifa” and “Nancy Pelosi” and whoever.  He lives in a swirling pool of delusions.  Some of whom I’m convinced are being generated by Russian Propaganda, but many of these ridiculous tropes are repeated by the Robber Baron-media, paid for by billionaires like the Kochs, the Murdochs, the Mercers, the Wilks, Sheldon Adelson, Peter Thiel, and Patrick Byrne.  These are the globalists out there behind the scenes funding think tanks like Heritage, and legislation mills like Alec, manipulating everything they see and hear through Fox, OAN, Newsmax and Daily Wire — and they’re pretty obvious about it.

And then there’s these bigoted ignorant people.

This “the immigrants are all guys of fighting age” is nonsense.  Biden has refused entry and expelled 3.5 Million migrants, mostly due to Title 42 but he also doesn’t allow single adults to enter, only families and single children.  It’s exactly the opposite of what these people claim.

“I don’t trust Biden at all, I only trust Trump.”

Trump has successfully manufactured a cult, a deluded death cult.