What Would Jesus Do?

Remember back a few years ago in a rural Kentucky county when two men applied for a marriage license?  And remember how the County clerk — a woman named Kim Davis — refused to issue the marriage license, claiming her religious belief that marriage is between a man and a woman would not allow her to issue the license, in spite of the fact that her personal beliefs have nothing to do with her job requirements?  Remembeer how the two guys sued and won a judgment, which she appealed?

Well, looks as though she has lost her appeal and she owes the couple $100,000 plus $260,104 . . . which she no doubt does not have.

Former county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge’s ruling.

That’s in addition to $100,000 in damages a jury said the former Rowan County clerk should pay the couple who sued.

Attorneys for Davis had argued that the fees and costs sought by the attorneys were excessive, but U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning disagreed and said Davis must pay since the men prevailed in their lawsuit, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported.


No doubt she will appeal again and lose again.  No doubt she does not have the money.  Maybe her good Christian friends can help her out.  Meanwhile, let’s check into her own record as a good Christian woman who is committed to the sanctity of “Biblical traditional marriage.”