We hear a lot about people in the U.S. walking away from Christianity . . .

And it’s happening.  The main indicator is church attendance, which has been dropping steadily for years — in 1990, 70% of Americans said they regularly attended church; in 2020 the figure was down to 47%.

In my opinion, this DOES NOT mean people are rejecting the teachings of Jesus.

Instead, this means that people are rejecting the meanness, the bigotry, the downright hatred that marks so much of what is “Christian” and “church” today.

It’s not that people are rejecting the life and teaching of Jesus, it’s that they want to live the life and teachings of Jesus every day . . . and they aren’t finding it at church.


May be a cartoon of one or more people and text that says 'IF YOUR RELIGION MAKES YOU HATE SOMEONE, YOU NEED A NEW RELIGION'