Trump was right . . . dead people did vote in Florida

I am pleased to report that another proven, verified case of voter fraud has been found and prosecuted. Naturally, it comes from Team Trump. This voter fraud actually does involve the dead voting. Robert Rivernider, a man active in the Villages [of Florida] For Trump group, has been sentenced to six months in prison for voting on behalf of his dead father.


In the usual fashion of Trump, and Trumpers, Rivernider originally claimed his prosecution was political. He claimed DeSantis supporters were out to get him for supporting Trump. He argued that the three year delay in prosecution proved it was political. Does that sound familiar?

Ironically, Rivernider himself was ineligible to vote in Florida because of a prior felony fraud conviction where he has not yet paid complete restitution. So he had his dead father vote for him.

Prior to his arrest Rivernider’s social media posts included supporting claims of voter fraud advanced by Dinesh D’Souza in his notoriously bad, phony “2000 Mules” hoax movie.