Trump supporters really do want to kill those who disagree with them

A group of men in military vests holding guns

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Oathkeeper Militia stalked the streets of Furguson, Missouri in 2015 (Photo: Scott Olsen/Getty)

Steve Bannon’s War Room Podcast has been the think tank behind the most radical and dangerous of Donald Trump’s fantasies about punishing liberalism and engaging in Civil War.

So it’s no surprise that Kevin D. Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, went on to the war room to outline his plans for Project 2025. Even though Bannon was in prison and couldn’t be on this episode, his acolytes let their freak flags fly. Roberts summarized his plans to radically destroy the American civil service and staff it with tens of thousands of Trump loyalists.  But his mind was not on the details. It was on the strategic template of the ideological struggle. He believed there is a war about to break out between democracy and Trumpism. He said, “… we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

For all the hubbub about this comment, I see the exact signs outlined in Malcolm Nance’s  book, “They Want to Kill Americans.”

Throughout the tumultuous summer of 2020, Nance monitored right-wing extremist websites and forums. Most were extremely giddy at the prospect of Trump’s re-election. However, within these discussions was always an element of paramilitary planning. Many Trump supporters were the guys with guns who had fantasies taken straight out of the 1980s movie “Red Dawn.”  They dreamed of fighting special forces-like gun battles and raids on their “Communist” enemies.  All that summer, there were indications that armed revolution was being planned. People were encouraged to go to “tactical training schools” and get the “skills” they needed for what was coming.

We need to understand that these Trump supporters are serious — if he loses in 2024, they WILL — THEY REALLY WILL — kill anyone whom they identify as having now supported Trump.