This illustrates that Republicans and Fox viewers are trash

Everyone knows the Joe Biden’s son Hunter had a serious drug problem.  He was in and out of rehab, finally got clean and stayed that way.

Meanwhile, Joe and Jill Biden did not desert their troubled son.  Fox, however, thinks it’s some sort of crime for parents to love and support their troubled children.  This is the bullshit that was on Fox today.

Ten years ago, my son was 40.  He made some really stupid decisions that landed him in jail for 6 months with a minor felony conviction.  I did what any loving, Christian parent would do:  (1) I made it clear to him that what he did was wrong, that his mother and I were disappointed in him, that he hurt us deeply, and (2) We will not desert him.

I visited him in jail every week for six months.  I paid for his attorney with the understanding he would pay me back, which he has done  I was there for all his court appearances.  When he was released late at night, I was in the jail parking lot to pick him up, take him to Waffle House for a big meal, then took him home.  His mother and I wrote letters to him 2-3 times a week.  We looked after his wife and children.

We did what any parent would do — except, of course, for Republican parents who likely would have deserted their child.

For Fox to mock Joe Biden’s love and concern for his son illustrates just how goddam worthless is Fox and the people who watch Fox.  Trash.  That’s all they are.  Trash.

And if you are a Fox-watching Republican, you are part of that trash.