And another Trump venture goes down in flames . . . stockholders left holding an empty bag

Trump’s “Truth Social” stock worthless; investors wiped out.

According to Forbes, Monday’s announcement that pro-Trump rapper Kanye West, also known as Ye, is acquiring the right-wing social media platform Parler sent the share price tumbling for the “blank check” company in charge of former President Donald Trump’s own Twitter alternative.

“Shares of Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), the special purpose acquisition company with turbulent plans to merge with Truth Social’s parent Trump Media and Technology Group, fell 8% to $16.11 Monday as a new brash billionaire threw his hat into the conservative social media ring,” reported Derek Saul. “West, who was booted from Instagram and Twitter last week after a rash of antisemitic comments, confirmed to Bloomberg his decision to buy Parler directly followed the bans, saying he ‘knew it was time to acquire my own platform’ and ‘enough was enough.'”

“West was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2016 and has made numerous incendiary comments on social media in recent months,” noted the report. “The 45-year-old threatened his estranged wife Kim Kardashian’s then-boyfriend Pete Davidson, and made several comments this month threatening violence toward Jews and reinforcing the stereotype of Jews holding a disproportionate amount of power.”

West, who also befriended Trump in recent years and mounted an ill-fated third party run for president in 2020, stirred up outrage even from Trump’s own allies with a tweet last week claiming he would go “death con 3” on Jewish people. Trump himself has privately said he worries West’s behavior is too “crazy” and he should seek help.

“DWAC shares are down about 70% this year and previously slid as investors digested what Elon Musk’s pending Twitter takeover would mean for Truth Social’s popularity and as further questions arose about the likelihood of the DWAC-Truth Social merger,” said the report. “Musk expressed his approval of West’s acquisition in a Monday afternoon tweet, sharing a photoshopped meme of him and West smiling and joining forces, writing, ‘Fun times ahead!!'”

This comes as Truth Social has faced a litany of financial and technical problems since its launch this year, and as DWAC faces delays in its planned merger and a fraud lawsuit from an investor.

Republicans invent problems that are not problems so they can solve what is not a problem to start with

Republicans are very good at creating problems that are not problems so they have something to solve.

Republicans are desperately trying to take over the House, Senate and a slew of offices that allow them to control elections in an effort to usher in restrictive election laws to put in more Republicans and eliminate any policy delivered by a Democrat for the past century.

Republicans pledged for almost ten years that Obamacare must be repealed and replaced, only to be outed for being unable to come up with the replacement. They have placed judges in top posts to eliminate the personal freedoms and medical privacy of women.

They invented an idea that Kindergarteners are being taught they are responsible for slavery and were convinced that any mention of LGBTQ should be banned from schools in Florida and other states that have followed.

Another top issue for the GOP: transgender sports. While there are many, many issues facing Americans, indeed the world, Republicans are concerned that one or two transgender people could bring down sports.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem ran a campaign ad claiming that she personally saved girls’ sports in the state. There was one trans student about ten years ago in South Dakota, but Noem zeroed in on the possibility that one person ten years ago could one day be millions of trans students in the sparsely populated state.

In fact, there were more girls playing sports in the Noem ad than there were trans kids in all of South Dakota sports. So, while Republicans like Noem complain about failures around inflation, healthcare and other problems they blame on Democrats, their solutions are focused on transgender sports.

Noem isn’t the only one. A whopping 18 U.S. states have spent the past few years passing legislation to regulate who can urinate in a stall next to each other. While most people simply enter a bathroom, do their business and get out, in the mind of Republicans, restrooms are nefarious places where liberals are ushering in a plot to bring down society. They have yet to find any evidence of it, but they can’t stop their minds from turning to anarchy as a result of a kid using the restroom.

The crisis for Republicans is that the American public has decided that they are accepting of same-sex marriage, eliminating a key issue that they have desperately clung to for years. Trans rights have now taken over that same desperate attempt to create a villain, make people afraid of him and then pass laws to protect children from him.

The real problem, however, is that these made-up, imaginary problems sound real to the low-information voters who make up the Republican base.

Trump lashes out at American Jews because they don’t appreciate all he has done for them.

Donald Trump lashed out at the American Jewish population on Sunday morning for not being ‘more appreciative’ of his administration’s work with Israel.

The ex-president claimed he was so popular there that he could be the country’s next prime minister.

It comes soon after a famous ally of his, rapper Ye who was previously known as Kanye West, was removed from Instagram and Twitter for a string of anti-Semitic comments.

‘No President has done more for Israel than I have. Somewhat surprisingly, however, our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S,’ Trump said on his Truth Social app.

‘Those living in Israel, though, are a different story – Highest approval rating in the World, could easily be P.M.!’

Trump, whose son-in-law Jared Kushner is devoutly Jewish, finished with: ‘U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel – Before it is too late!’

Trump planned and executed the entire Jan 6 coup attempt

The Jan. 6 committee’s final public hearing before the midterm election ended with a bang, not a whimper. At the conclusion of the hearing the committee’s nine members voted unanimously to subpoena former President Donald Trump to testify. After their two-and-a-half hour presentation, it’s hard to imagine how they ever could have contemplated doing otherwise. They presented a meticulously documented case which showed that Trump had a premeditated plan of many months to deny losing the election, plotted a coup to overturn the results if he did, incited a violent insurrection when that was thwarted, and then refused for hours to respond to the violence as he watched it unfold on television. Whether he will respond to the subpoena remains to be seen, but either way it’s another black mark on his uniquely corrupt and dishonest political career.

For most of us who closely followed events in real time, both on Jan. 6 and through the subsequent investigations and revelations, much of this was not news. But it’s been a while since we focused on some of these details, and to see it presented in narrative form, with so much video and documentary evidence, is still powerful. For instance, the fact that Trump had planned to contest the election if he lost was no secret. Indeed, he had signaled back in 2016 that he would never concede defeat, famously declaring in the days before that election, “I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election — if I win.” For years after that victory he insisted that he’d actually won the popular vote but had been victimized by millions of immigrants illegally voting in California. He even convened something called the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity to try to prove that case. Even his hand-picked hacks couldn’t turn up any evidence, and the “commission” was quietly disbanded without even issuing a report.

So he clearly planned to say the election was rigged long before the first votes were cast, and the coup plot in which Trump and his legal lackeys contested the results in numerous states was also planned well in advance. But those cases got thrown out of courts across the country, by Republican and Democratic judges alike, and as Thursday’s hearing revealed, this made Trump furious. Former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that after the Supreme Court refused to hear the crackpot lawsuit meant to overturn the results in several battleground states (which of course Trump saw as a personal betrayal), she ran into the president in a hallway where he was “raging” about the decision. Trump told chief of staff Mark Meadows, according to Hutchinson, that he didn’t want people to know they had lost the case, tasking Meadows with making sure they didn’t find out. That’s nuts, of course, but it’s also highly revealing.

Hutchinson also testified that during Trump’s diatribe to Meadows, he asked, “Why didn’t we make more calls?” That’s a curious thing to say, and raises the unanswered question of exactly who they were calling as the Supreme Court was considering the case. Is that how things work with the court’s conservative majority?

Since the committee finally got its hands on a considerable number of emails and other Jan. 6-related documents from the Secret Service — although not the missing and apparently erased text messages — there was some disturbing new information about what the agency knew ahead of time about the threats of violence. Something is deeply wrong with the Secret Service, it seems, and it doesn’t stop with them. Law enforcement in general appears to have ignored a mountain of incoming intelligence telegraphing the fact that pro-Trump extremists were highly agitated and violence was possible or even likely.

Trump knew that too. Jason Miller, the Trump campaign’s senior communications adviser, forwarded to Mark Meadows a link to a startling social media page that included such comments as “Gallows don’t require electricity” and “our lawmakers in Congress can leave one of two ways; one, in a body bag, two, after rightfully certifying Trump the winner.” Miller didn’t express alarm or concern; he boasted: “I got the base fired up.” (Miller claimed after the fact that he didn’t know about the more extreme comments.)

As a result of law enforcement’s failure to prepare for Jan. 6, Congress was left vulnerable after Trump gave his big speech on the Ellipse, urging his rabid followers to march to the Capitol. (Some of them, in fact, were already there.) He wanted to go there too but his Secret Service detail refused to take him, leading to the purported fight between Trump and his agents in the presidential SUV. What he planned to do there we can only imagine — but now we know what the leaders of the House and Senate were doing during that time: responding to the crisis, which Trump refused to do.

While the president was sitting in the Oval Office dining room reveling in the images of his mob storming the Capitol and threatening to kill Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence, congressional leaders had been taken to a secure location where they were working hard to get police and National Guard troops to the Capitol to put down the insurrection. As it happens, a documentary crew was on hand that day to record the historic vote and they captured Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer (then the minority leader) taking charge, calmly reaching out to various government officials and trying to get Cabinet members, including the acting attorney general and acting defense secretary, to persuade Trump to call off the mob. It’s an impressive display of leadership, considering they knew they were being hunted like animals as it was happening.

The cumulative effect of all the Jan. 6 hearings, culminating in Thursday’s wrap-up of the central narrative, has made clear that Donald Trump set up the coup before the election, was personally involved in the various attempts to execute it, understood that violence was possible on Jan. 6, and incited the crowd to storm the Capitol and refused to take any action to stop them. Everything that happened came at his direction and was done in his name.

Beyond that, Trump has turned the country upside down for two years and built an anti-democratic movement dedicated to destroying the right to vote and sabotaging elections, entirely in service to his injured ego and his refusal to admit that he could ever possibly lose. He is a damaged, destructive narcissist, beyond all help. But the really disturbing question now is why so many people are eager to believe his dangerous fantasies.

Don Jr. and Eric tried to rip off investors in Trump’s dying “Truth Social”

According to one of the former top executives in Donald Trump’s social media start-up behind the troubled Truth Social platform, the sons of the former president — Don Jr and Eric — came hat in hand and wanted a stake in the company despite having little to nothing to do with it, reports the Washington Post.

According to the report, which documents corporate infighting at Trump Media & Technology Group, co-founder Will Wilkerson revealed details that led to what he believes led to his ouster after butting heads with the former president.

As the report notes, “… as the company became more legitimate, it also started running into problems. Trump’s umbrella company, the Trump Organization, disputed a long-signed agreement between the start-up and Trump himself, demanding more control over how Trump’s likeness would be used.”

Trump also attempted to shake down Andy Litinsky, another co-founder, in October 2021 to turn over some of his shares to Melania Trump which led to Litinsky telling the former president that handing over the shares would lead to tax implications that would be costly to him, with Wilkinson explaining, “Trump didn’t care. He said, ‘Do whatever you need to do.'”

As for Trump’s kids, Wilkinson said Don Jr and Eric also wanted a cut of the action.

The Post reports, “Trump’s adult sons — Donald Jr. and Eric — began asking for large stakes in the company, Wilkerson said, even though they had been almost entirely uninvolved,” with Wilkinson adding, “They were coming in and asking for a handout. They had no bearing in this company … and they were taking equity away from hard-working individuals.”

You can read more here.

The movie “2,000 Mules” should be titled “A Ton of Muleshit” – – – the entire movie is a lie

Republicans, “patriots,” and so-called “election integrity groups” are all in love with a movie titled “2,000 Mules” produced by convicted felon Dinesh DeSouza.

The movie claims to prove that a few people delivered thousands and thousands of ballots to ballot drop boxes nationwide.

The movie is bullshit.  There is not a word of truth in it.

Of course, the fact that it’s a lie makes it a hit among Republicans, Trumphumpers, “patriots”, and other low-intelligence dimwits.

Read the full story here.

Documentary on Jerry Falwell Jr., his wife, and sex with the pool boy

Religious hypocrisy is the focus of a new documentary on the pool boy at the heart of the scandal that brought down Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Hulu’s “God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty” by filmmakers Billy Corben and Alfred Spellman focuses on former Fountainebleau Miami Beach pool attendant Giancarlo Granda and his affair with Becki Falwell.

Corben spoke with the Miami New Times about the film.

“We thought it was a compelling opportunity to not only examine the hypocrisy of his illicit affair with the first family of evangelicalism, but some of the even greater macro issues,” Corben said“Specifically, the rise of the Falwell’s dynasty, their outsized influence on presidential politics, and how religious hucksters went from televangelism to higher education to the White House.”

The documentary is scheduled to be released on Nov. 1.

“What’s important here is that nobody wants to kink shame the Falwells. We could care less about what it is that they’re into. I mean, that’s kind of what Miami is all about, right?” Corben said. “This is about the hypocrisy.”

In the trailer, Granda says, “As a pool attendant, I would get hit on, but if I would have known that accepting this woman’s invitation to go back to her hotel room would have led to a scandal involving the president of the largest Christian university in the world and the president of the United States, I would have walked away and just enjoyed my private life.”

Watch below or at this link:

Remember — this is the son of Jerry Falwell who formed “The Moral Majority” and who founded “Liberty University” in Lynchburg VA.This documentary reveals the sick, sordid, hypocrisy of these “christians.”

If you have a daughter at Liberty, you might want to move her to a real university and protect her from the evil that runs rampant at Liberty U.


Supreme Court denies Trump’s attempt to keep classified documents hidden

Trump had asked the court to overturn a recent 11th U.S. Circuit of Appeals ruling barred the special master from examining the more than 100 classified records as part of his broader review of more than 11,000 government documents seized at the Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.

The appeals court said that subset of classified records could only be reviewed by the Department of Justice, which is conducting a criminal investigation of Trump for his removal of government documents when he left office in January 2021.

It took the Court only 35 words to tell Trump to stuff it.  There were no dissents — all 9 Justices agreed that Trump’s arguments are bullshit.

Read the SCOTUS decision below.

Jan 6: Democrats and Republicans in Congress showed leadership while Trump cowered in White House, watching Fox

CNN played video of Congreesional leaders being evacuated from the Capitol that was under attack by an armed criminal mob to Fort McNair where both Democrats and Republicans tried to conduct business – – – while Trump sat on his fat ass in the White House, eating Big Macs and watching Fox.

Here is the full CNN story.

ALSO, CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Thursday played exclusive footage shot by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter, documentary filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi, on Jan. 6.

Earlier on Thursday, some of the video was played in the public hearing by the House Select Committee Investigating the Jan. 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

CNN says it obtained roughly an hour of additional footage.

In one clip, Pelosi is told that the Secret Service had dissuaded Trump from marching on the Capitol himself.

An aide says, “they told him they don’t have the resources to protect him here so at the moment he is not coming, but that could change.”

“I hope he comes up here, I’m going to punch him out,” the San Francisco Democrat said.

“I’ve been waiting for this — for trespassing on the Capitol grounds,” Pelosi said.

“I’m going to punch him out, I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy,” she said.

Watch below: