Jan 6 Committee calls the bluff of a key witness

The January 6 Committee subpoena of Phil Waldron, the retired colonel who was working with Donald Trump’s outside lawyers to overturn the 2020 presidential election, seeks some interesting information:

“All documents supporting the claim that Italian satellites were used to hack voting systems…”
“All documents supporting the claim that voting machines were manipulated through the use of smart thermostats controlled by the Chinese government…”

You may ask “What the hell is this about?”  This is about claims pushed by Retired US Army colonel Phil Waldron and by Trump’s attorneys Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and other Trump supporters that voting machines throughout the US were manipulated by “Italian earth satellites” and by “thermostats on the walls of local voting precincts that were manipulated by the Chinese government.”  Seriously.  I mean it — these MAGAts really, really said exactly that.  And now the Jan 6 Committee wants to hear the story.

Waldron is a retired US Army colonel who has been traveling around the country with a PowerPoint presentation “explaining” how the 2020 election was stolen.

Actually, it’s even worse than “Italian earth satellites” and “thermostats”.  Read the subpoena at this link.