Gym Jordan, Dumbass Comer’s “witness” against Hunter Biden is avoiding them . . .

The “Hunter Biden Hearings” are a big nothingburger.

House Republicans have suffered yet another series of setbacks in their investigation of Hunter Biden, as a key witness they want to interview repeatedly reschedules and blows off their requests to testify, Newsweek reported on Monday.

“[House Oversight Chairman James] Comer [(R-KY)] confirmed to Fox News that Devon Archer, a former Burisma board member and business partner of Hunter Biden’s, canceled the deposition he was scheduled to attend on Monday, marking the third appearance Archer has failed to show for,” reported Katherine Fung. “A spokesperson for [the] congressman told Newsweek that Archer has been scheduled to sit down for a transcribed interview with the House Oversight on Monday, July 31. The original deadline for Archer’s deposition was June 16.”

Republicans are trying to find evidence for unsubstantiated claims that President Joe Biden personally assisted Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, while his son, Hunter, sat on its board and Biden served as vice president. Some GOP figures, like Rudy Giuliani, have pushed conspiracy theories that Biden forced out Ukraine’s top prosecutor to prevent an investigation of the company, but this has been repeatedly debunked — the prosecutor was actually forced out for not investigating corruption.

“Mr. Archer’s testimony is critical to the Committee’s investigation,” wrote Comer in a letter last month to an attorney representing Archer, per the report. “Mr. Archer was Hunter Biden’s business partner in a number of transactions involving foreign nationals and foreign companies. Mr. Archer is associated with corporate entities that the Committee has identified and the Biden family’s role in each of them. Furthermore, he has significant information regarding the purpose of these companies and knowledge of relevant documents related to the Committee’s investigation.”

According to the report, this is the latest in some problems the GOP has faced in the Biden family investigations; another witness the GOP wanted to interview straight-up disappeared. Yet another was indicted on charges of violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, only for the GOP to claim him as a credible witness some time after that.

All of this comes shortly after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) turned over an FBI investigation file congressional Republicans spent weeks fighting to obtain from the agency, which detailed the specifics of an interview with an indicted Burisma executive reiterating the claims about Shokin being forced out to protect Hunter Biden — but still offering no evidence of this.

Last week, Comer suggested that the reason the Republican House is coming after Biden is because Trump was impeached twice.


Dept of Justice tells Gym Jordan to stop lying about Hunter Biden investigation.

The Department of Justice on Monday in a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) obtained by Politico urged the House Judiciary Chair to stick to the facts.

The DOJ was responding to Jordan’s July 21 letter expressing interest in the investigation of Hunter Biden led by David Weiss, a U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware appointed by Donald Trump.

In its letter to Jordan, the DOJ agrees to allow Weiss to testify before Jordan’s committee after Congress returns from its August recess.

“Across administrations, the Department has long recognized its obligation to protect law enforcement work from even the perception of political interference, including from Congress,” the DOJ’s letter to Jordan said.

“Our longstanding principles and duty to take care that the law be faithfully executed require us to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive law enforcement information and to protect line attorneys and agents so they can do their jobs for the American people free from improper political pressures.

“These concerns are heightened while a matter is open and investigative steps, prosecutorial decisions, or judicial proceedings are ongoing. At the same time, we are deeply concerned by any misrepresentations about our work—whether deliberate or arising from misunderstandings—that could unduly harm public confidence in the evenhanded administration of justice, to which we are dedicated.”

The DOJ goes on to cite the public’s interest in hearing Weiss’ direct testimony in its decision.

“As the Department has repeatedly stated, we remain committed to working with you to address the Committee’s expressed interests consistent with the Department’s duties and policies,” the letter said.

The department also expressed concern that Jordan’s committee has authorized deposition subpoenas of those mentioned in Jordan’s letter to the DOJ.

“Any attempts at compulsory process are unjustified and premature,” the DOJ’s letter said.

“The Committee authorized subpoenas less than a business day after your July 21 letter and before the stated deadline in that letter. It has been less than a month since the Committee’s original requests, and little more than a week since the Department responded to that letter on the date requested by the Committee.

“During a staff discussion last week, the Department and Committee agreed to continue discussions. Such discussions would ensure we understand the Committee’s interests and that you understand the Department’s longstanding approach across administrations regarding such requests, including those that seek information about ongoing aspects of our work and testimony from line personnel.”