Gym Jordan comes up empty. Again.

Jim Jordan claimed the Republican Party had secured “damning evidence” in President Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry, despite the fact that evidence came from a Hunter Biden associate who said he was not aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

Jim Jordan, chairman of the House Judiciary, one of the panels involved in the inquiry, was asked by Fox News on Sunday about how it was progressing. He said “the most damning evidence we got thus far is what we got from Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner, because he says what they were selling was the brand.”

However Archer, who served with Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma and testified before the House Oversight Committee in July 2023, has not confirmed Republican accusations of bad practice by Joe Biden.

In a transcript of his testimony before the committee, he was asked if he was aware of any wrongdoing by the president.

“No. I’m not aware of any,” Archer said.

He also said he had no knowledge of Joe Biden having involvement with Burisma and rejected claims that the president and Hunter Biden each accepted a $5-million bribe from an official within the company.

Poor Gym . . .  His best evidence says he has no evidence.