Documentary on Jerry Falwell Jr., his wife, and sex with the pool boy

Religious hypocrisy is the focus of a new documentary on the pool boy at the heart of the scandal that brought down Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Hulu’s “God Forbid: The Sex Scandal That Brought Down a Dynasty” by filmmakers Billy Corben and Alfred Spellman focuses on former Fountainebleau Miami Beach pool attendant Giancarlo Granda and his affair with Becki Falwell.

Corben spoke with the Miami New Times about the film.

“We thought it was a compelling opportunity to not only examine the hypocrisy of his illicit affair with the first family of evangelicalism, but some of the even greater macro issues,” Corben said“Specifically, the rise of the Falwell’s dynasty, their outsized influence on presidential politics, and how religious hucksters went from televangelism to higher education to the White House.”

The documentary is scheduled to be released on Nov. 1.

“What’s important here is that nobody wants to kink shame the Falwells. We could care less about what it is that they’re into. I mean, that’s kind of what Miami is all about, right?” Corben said. “This is about the hypocrisy.”

In the trailer, Granda says, “As a pool attendant, I would get hit on, but if I would have known that accepting this woman’s invitation to go back to her hotel room would have led to a scandal involving the president of the largest Christian university in the world and the president of the United States, I would have walked away and just enjoyed my private life.”

Watch below or at this link:

Remember — this is the son of Jerry Falwell who formed “The Moral Majority” and who founded “Liberty University” in Lynchburg VA.This documentary reveals the sick, sordid, hypocrisy of these “christians.”

If you have a daughter at Liberty, you might want to move her to a real university and protect her from the evil that runs rampant at Liberty U.