We hear a lot about people in the U.S. walking away from Christianity . . .

And it’s happening.  The main indicator is church attendance, which has been dropping steadily for years — in 1990, 70% of Americans said they regularly attended church; in 2020 the figure was down to 47%.

In my opinion, this DOES NOT mean people are rejecting the teachings of Jesus.

Instead, this means that people are rejecting the meanness, the bigotry, the downright hatred that marks so much of what is “Christian” and “church” today.

It’s not that people are rejecting the life and teaching of Jesus, it’s that they want to live the life and teachings of Jesus every day . . . and they aren’t finding it at church.


May be a cartoon of one or more people and text that says 'IF YOUR RELIGION MAKES YOU HATE SOMEONE, YOU NEED A NEW RELIGION'

This is the future Republicans want

This week, a memo went out to librarians across Oklahoma County’s Metropolitan Library System telling them that not only are they not allowed to assist anyone in looking up information on abortion, but they are not even allowed to say the word — noting that if they violate this and are found to have assisted anyone in any way with getting an abortion that they will be fined $10,000 and possibly thrown in prison. The memo also warned that there will likely be people coming into the library and trying to trick them into giving information on how to obtain an abortion for the purposes of collecting the $10,000 bounty.

After the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, Legal reviewed MLS’s role regarding giving information on abortions and concluded that due to state law libraries have no role. Library staff should avoid the use of the word “abortion” and are not to assist in looking up information on either library PCs or even their own devices to aid in such a search. If a staff member gives any information on how to obtain an abortion, then that person may be found personally liable and will also make MLS liable. Civil penalties include a $10,000.00 fine, plus jail time, and the staff member will lose their job due to being informed by MLS and disregarding the warning. There may be people that go into public libraries and try staff on this just to see if they will give information on how to obtain an abortion just to report them (along the lines of 1st Amendment Auditors), so staff should be aware of this potentiality as well.

More good news: OAN is dead!!!

While Fox is still alive and well and spewing lies 24/7, at least there is one bright spot:  OAN (One America News) is dead.  Well, not completely dead, but on life support and fading fast.

Good sense, truth, and responsibility strike again! Its latest victim is One America News, which got dropped by Verizon Fios yesterday after failing to renegotiate its carrier agreement.

The divorce, which was first reported by the Daily Beast’s Justin Baragona, leaves OAN without a way to get its bullshit on the airwaves. It was already dropped by DirecTV, after which it filed a hilariously stupid breach of contract suit against AT&T, which owns DirecTV, alleging that the telecom’s board chair was a dastardly Democrat hellbent on “cutting off [OAN’s] ability to earn revenue to help fund its defense” in the defamation case filed against it by Dominion Voting Systems.

Which is exactly the LOLsuit you’d expect from a network which made Chanel Rion a “star” by flogging every election fraud conspiracy or bit of COVID misinformation crapped out of the ass-end of 4chan. Remember that time when Rion claimed that octogenarian philanthropist George Soros was tailing her around Ukraine as she and Rudy Giuliani pursued the “truth” about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter?

Which form of cancer do you want to kill you?

That is the question facing today’s Republicans:  Which cancer do you want — Florida’s Ron DeSantis, or, Donald Trump?  Doesn’t matter, either one is fatal.

According to former Rep. Dave Jolly (R-FL) Donald Trump is in danger of being supplanted as the leading contender for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination due to a surging Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).

Appearing on MSNBC’s “The Katie Phang Show,” the former lawmaker who once faced DeSantis on the ballot referred to appearances by both Republicans at Saturday night rallies and noted the rousing reception that the Florida governor received.

“David, as a former Republican congressman from your home state of Florida, is it premature to think that Ron DeSantis is gaining any ground on Trump?” host Phang prompted before adding, “That, maybe, the genuine damning evidence coming out of the Jan 6 committee is actually playing a role here? ”

“Not at all, Katie,” the former lawmaker replied. “I think we’re watching Ron DeSantis pass Donald Trump in real-time for the GOP nomination and I would say not because Donald Trump has done anything wrong in the eyes of Republican voters and not because of the Jan 6th committee, but just because Ron DeSantis has done everything right and continues to do that from a strategic standpoint.”


There is no real choice here — DeSantis, Trump – – both are fascists who will destroy our Constitutional republic and turn us over to white supremacists and corporations.

The big donors are leaving Trump for DeSantis, so, Trump is keeping his alleged Presidential run alive to milk the MAGAt crowd for every last penny they have.

You really need to read this book

You can get it from Amazon.  Read it, underline, highlight, take notes, recommend it to your friends.

THEY WANT TO KILL AMERICANS:  The Militias, Terrorists, and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency, by Malcolm Nance.

In fact, read anything by Malcolm Nance — “The Plot to Betray America,” “The Plot to Destroy Democracy,” “The Plot to Hack America.”


To varying degrees, as many as 74 million Americans have expressed hostility towards American democracy. Their radicalization is increasingly visible in our day to day life: in neighbor’s or family member’s open discussion of bizarre conspiracy theories, reveling in the fantasy of mass murdering the liberals they believe are drinking the blood of children. These are the results of the deranged series of lies stoked by former President Donald Trump, made worse by the global pandemic.

The first steps of an American fracture were predicted by Malcolm Nance months before the January 6, 2021 insurrection, heralding the start of a generational terror threat greater than either al-Qaeda or the Islamic State. Nance calls this growing unrest the Trump Insurgency in the United States or TITUS.

The post-2020 election urge to return to a place of “normalcy”―to forget―is the worst response we can have. American militiamen, terrorists, and radicalized political activists are already armed in mass numbers and regularly missed in the media; principally because Trump’s most loyal and violent foot soldiers benefit from the ultimate privilege―being white.

They Want to Kill Americans is the first detailed look into the heart of the active Trump-led insurgency, setting the stage for a second nation-wide rebellion on American soil. This is a chilling and deeply researched early warning to the nation from a counterterrorism intelligence professional: America is primed for a possible explosive wave of terrorist attacks and armed confrontations that aim to bring about a Donald Trump-led dictatorship.


Jan 6 Committee calls the bluff of a key witness

The January 6 Committee subpoena of Phil Waldron, the retired colonel who was working with Donald Trump’s outside lawyers to overturn the 2020 presidential election, seeks some interesting information:

“All documents supporting the claim that Italian satellites were used to hack voting systems…”
“All documents supporting the claim that voting machines were manipulated through the use of smart thermostats controlled by the Chinese government…”

You may ask “What the hell is this about?”  This is about claims pushed by Retired US Army colonel Phil Waldron and by Trump’s attorneys Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and other Trump supporters that voting machines throughout the US were manipulated by “Italian earth satellites” and by “thermostats on the walls of local voting precincts that were manipulated by the Chinese government.”  Seriously.  I mean it — these MAGAts really, really said exactly that.  And now the Jan 6 Committee wants to hear the story.

Waldron is a retired US Army colonel who has been traveling around the country with a PowerPoint presentation “explaining” how the 2020 election was stolen.

Actually, it’s even worse than “Italian earth satellites” and “thermostats”.  Read the subpoena at this link.