Trump’s plan for our future: Mass executions; martial law; internment camps

Donald Trump appeared in Washington, D.C., for the first time on Tuesday night since he slunk off into the night, breaking with all tradition and common decency, skipping the inauguration ceremony for President Joe Biden. Trump was in town to give a speech to a new member of the Republican network of shady, money-grab “institutes,” the America First Policy Institute. And if the intent of Trump’s speech was to show that not only is America under threat, but also that irony is stone-cold dead, he absolutely nailed it.

The focus of Trump’s speech—when he wasn’t whining about the House select committee on Jan. 6—was on law enforcement. In short, he wants a lot of it. In fact, he wants the U.S. to be more like—wait for it—China. Police on every corner. “Very short trials.” And mass executions. Trump also praised the way crime is handled in the Philippines, where over 12,000 people have been executed for drug-related crimes. And while the police were busy shooting everyone they suspected of selling or using drugs, Trump also insisted they force homeless people to leave the cities for tent-based camps erected in the wilderness.

But while Trump had plenty of time to explain how the police “are my heroes” and to push for lots of executions and a new generation of internment camps, there was one thing he didn’t get around to mentioning. In all his calls for law and order, there was not a peep about how his followers savaged police on the steps of the Capitol. In fact, when it came to the assault on the Capitol, Trump said, “We may just have to do it again.”

Newsmax, which carried Trump’s speech live, had perfect timing in their ads. Trump spent a big section of the speech complaining about how all those unsightly homeless people spoiled his view of cities and made the scenes outside his limo unpleasant. So he advocated for all homeless people to be rounded up and forced from the cities, safely out of view of those who were deemed wealthy enough to remain. Trump didn’t say exactly where he wanted the homeless to be sent, other than to “large parcels of inexpensive land.” Places like Tule Lake, California; Minidoka, Idaho; and Heart Mountain, Wyoming. These camps, Trump insisted, could be created “in one day.” And then everything would be better.

As Trump was pushing for the homeless to be moved from cities so they could be “clean and beautiful” and taken to a new generation of Manzanars, Newsmax decided to split the screen with an ad selling gold coins for Trump supporters. Because there is no bottom to disdain.

As CNN notes, Trump didn’t miss paying tribute to the smaller ways in which police can exert authority over the population, display racism, and cause systematic misery. He made calls for a “return to stop and frisk” policies that have proven to be roundly ineffective in everything except giving police an excuse to harass Black people. He also opposed the idea of removing from police “their liability shield in any way, shape, or form” to prevent police from facing any consequences when they execute people in the streets.

In summary, Trump wants mass executions over drugs, mass incarceration for the poor, and unlimited authority for the police. That’s his formula for America. Then the cities will be beautiful. Like in China.

Repeatedly, as he was expressing his love for law and order, Trump simply ignored the fact that he had encouraged his followers to join in a violent riot in which people died, and hundreds of police were injured. He also ignored how he planned and executed that assault in service of a coup plot designed to utterly grind any concept of “law” into the dust.

But wait. It gets better.

Nowhere was the irony level more skull-crushingly high than when clear when Trump actually started talking about calling out the National Guard. “Where there is a true breakdown of law and order,” said Trump, “… then the federal government should send the National Guard to restore order and secure the peace without having to wait for the approval of some governor that thinks it’s politically incorrect to call them in.”

In addition to removing governors from the loop so that the whole National Guard would become his personal police force, nowhere—nowhere—did Trump mention that when he had the opportunity to call in the National Guard to halt the assault on the Capitol, he refused to take that action. It fell to Mike Pence to finally get the Guard moving, while Trump sat in the White House dining room, flinging ketchup on the walls and fretting that his insurgents weren’t able to actually hang anyone.

Trump openly described a nation in which he would be in sole charge of a national police force, police would be exempt from the consequences of their actions, execution would be carried out immediately, following “a very quick trial,” and millions of Americans would be confined in internment camps without ever being charged with a crime.

That’s what he’s selling. It’s not about “law and order,” which interests Trump not at all. It’s about authority and brutality.

But the most horrible thing is, there are buyers.

Dept of Justice is investigating Trump and his role in the Jan 6 coup attempt

The Justice Department is investigating President Donald Trump’s actions as part of its criminal probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to four people familiar with the matter.

Prosecutors who are questioning witnesses before a grand jury — including two top aides to Vice President Mike Pence — have asked in recent days about conversations with Trump, his lawyers, and others in his inner circle who sought to substitute Trump allies for certified electors from some states Joe Biden won, according to two people familiar with the matter. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

The prosecutors have asked hours of detailed questions about meetings Trump led in December 2020 and January 2021; his pressure campaign on Pence to overturn the election; and what instructions Trump gave his lawyers and advisers about fake electors and sending electors back to the states, the people said. Some of the questions focused directly on the extent of Trump’s involvement in the fake-elector effort led by his outside lawyers, including John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani, these people said.

In addition, Justice Department investigators in April received phone records of key officials and aides in the Trump administration, including his former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, according to two people familiar with the matter. That effort is another indicator of how expansive the Jan. 6 probe had become, well before the high-profile, televised House hearings in June and July on the subject.

Read more (May be behind a paywall.):


In case there is any question as to DOJ investigatin Trump for criminal activity:

Breaking news: Justice Dept. investigating Trump’s actions in Jan. 6 criminal probe

The Washington Post
Prosecutors who are questioning witnesses before a grand jury have asked in recent days about conversations with Trump, his lawyers, and others in his inner circle who sought to substitute Trump allies for certified electors from some states Joe Biden won.


The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Breaking news: The Justice Department is investigating President Donald Trump’s actions as part of its criminal probe of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The Washington Post @washingtonpost 35m
Prosecutors who are questioning witnesses before a grand jury have asked in recent days about conversations with Trump, his lawyers, and others in his inner circle who sought to substitute Trump allies for certified electors from some states Joe Biden won.

The Washington Post @washingtonpost 31m
The prosecutors have asked hours of detailed questions about meetings Trump led in December 2020 and January 2021; his pressure campaign on Pence to overturn the election; and what instructions Trump gave his lawyers and advisers about fake electors.

Read this article. Pass it on to your Trump-loving friends and neighbors, don’t expect much from them . . .

Season of Treason: A Recap of the First Eight January 6th Committee Hearings

Trump spearheaded a seditious conspiracy to overthrow our democracy. What comes next?

The article is on a subscription Substack site — on the opening page is a link to subscribe along with a link that says something like “Let me try it first.”  Click on that link where you can read articles without a subscription.

We hear a lot about people in the U.S. walking away from Christianity . . .

And it’s happening.  The main indicator is church attendance, which has been dropping steadily for years — in 1990, 70% of Americans said they regularly attended church; in 2020 the figure was down to 47%.

In my opinion, this DOES NOT mean people are rejecting the teachings of Jesus.

Instead, this means that people are rejecting the meanness, the bigotry, the downright hatred that marks so much of what is “Christian” and “church” today.

It’s not that people are rejecting the life and teaching of Jesus, it’s that they want to live the life and teachings of Jesus every day . . . and they aren’t finding it at church.


May be a cartoon of one or more people and text that says 'IF YOUR RELIGION MAKES YOU HATE SOMEONE, YOU NEED A NEW RELIGION'

This is the future Republicans want

This week, a memo went out to librarians across Oklahoma County’s Metropolitan Library System telling them that not only are they not allowed to assist anyone in looking up information on abortion, but they are not even allowed to say the word — noting that if they violate this and are found to have assisted anyone in any way with getting an abortion that they will be fined $10,000 and possibly thrown in prison. The memo also warned that there will likely be people coming into the library and trying to trick them into giving information on how to obtain an abortion for the purposes of collecting the $10,000 bounty.

After the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, Legal reviewed MLS’s role regarding giving information on abortions and concluded that due to state law libraries have no role. Library staff should avoid the use of the word “abortion” and are not to assist in looking up information on either library PCs or even their own devices to aid in such a search. If a staff member gives any information on how to obtain an abortion, then that person may be found personally liable and will also make MLS liable. Civil penalties include a $10,000.00 fine, plus jail time, and the staff member will lose their job due to being informed by MLS and disregarding the warning. There may be people that go into public libraries and try staff on this just to see if they will give information on how to obtain an abortion just to report them (along the lines of 1st Amendment Auditors), so staff should be aware of this potentiality as well.