All this Hunter Biden bullshit is part of a widespread Russian operation

A New Report Adds Evidence That Trump Was a Russian Asset

He helped Putin manipulate the U.S. election in 2020, as he did in 2016.

“Attacks on Biden and his son, Hunter, were part of this operation. Through “US officials and prominent US individuals, some of whom were close to former President Trump and his administration,” the report says Russia’s intelligence services “repeatedly spread unsubstantiated or misleading claims about President Biden and his family’s alleged wrongdoing related to Ukraine.” In this way, Trump’s circle “laundered” the Russian-planted stories, which were then recirculated—and promoted by Russia’s online proxies—as American news.”

The GOP, Fox News, and other right wing sites are now promoting and have been pushing this Russian produced bullshit, just like they did with John Kerry & the swift boat lies, HRC & her emails, Bill Clinton and women., Judge Kavanaugh, and the WMD in Iraq.  Republicans  are not burdened by the truth.