“I hire only the best people” . . . D.J. Trump, 2016.

According to Trump all of the “best people” that he appointed, hired, and/or surrounded himself with turned out – according to him – to be incompetent liars who were “out to get him”.

Putting aside everything else about Trump (which is a LOT), you’d think that fact alone would be enough to make reasonably intelligent people go “hmmm”.

But the people that Trump hired turned out to be Kool-Aid swilling idiots who believe that JFK Jr. will be Trump’s running mate in 2024, that the 2020 election will be overturned by SCOTUS after Mike Pillow provides his evidence, and that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop holds the information that will prove Joe Biden is the head of an international cabal of pedophiles who have been running the governments of every nation on earth for decades.