Trump stole US secrets because his life is a life of crime without consequences

Trump’s reason for appropriating U.S. secrets is far beyond simply hiding evidence.

Trump thought he could take his lifelong criminal behavior into the Presidency and not suffer the consequences —  as he has done his entire life. Trump has survived without being imprisoned by draining investigative and prosecutorial resources with endless appeals and paying millions of dollars in tribute (fines) instead of going to jail. He made it too expensive for prosecutors to pursue, so they settled for massive fines.  It’s a strategy taught to him by Roy Cohen and his stable of NYC crime bosses.

We’ll look at a brief history of Trump’s documented lifetime of criminality, including deep ties with Russian Oligarch Mobsters over decades, allowing him to think that he could also get away with it as President. Then we’ll explain why Trump is holding classified information for his own purposes.

If you’re already familiar with Trump’s history of illegality and don’t want to read about a few choice examples of the following:

  • how Trump began his life of criminality at the age of thirteen,
  • how Roy Cohn and his stable of NYC mobsters groomed Trump,
  • how Trump admitted to using bribery as a strategy,
  • how Rod Rosenstein curtailed the Mueller Investigation and the FBI’s investigation,
  • how Trump’s Taj Mahal was the Russian Mob’s favorite East Coast destination,
  • how Scotland is still considering investigating Trump for money laundering,
  • how Trump recruited Russian media consultants to work on his 2016 campaign,
  • and how Trump University and the Trump Foundation were shuttered by the court…

… skip to this page for a detailed description of Trump’s life of crime.