Trump and FBI conspired to put “Justice” Beer-Bong Kavanaugh on the Court

It may not surprise many here, but it should still enrage us, particularly given what Kavanaugh has done on the court. Aftter six long years, Sheldon Whitehouse’s investigation into the FBI’s fake background check on Kavanaugh has ended with confirmation that the FBI conspired with the Trump administration to not fully vet Kavanaugh and give cover to Republicans to confirm him.

The Trump administration protected Brett Kavanaugh from facing a full FBI investigation in the wake of serious allegations that he sexually assaulted two women – once in high school and once in college – during his controversial 2018 Senate confirmation to become a supreme court justice, according to a new report.

An investigation led by the Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse also found that both the Trump White House and the FBI “misled the public and the Senate” about the scope of the investigation it did conduct into the sexual assault allegations by falsely claiming that the FBI had conducted its investigation thoroughly and “by the book”…

“This report shows that the supplemental background investigation was a sham, controlled by the Trump White House, to give political cover to Senate Republicans and put Justice Kavanaugh back on the political track to confirmation.”

the Whitehouse report claims the FBI’s limited supplemental background investigation involved only a “handful” of interviews of relevant witnesses, and ignored other potential sources, including Kavanaugh himself, Ford, or others who had offered to give the FBI corroborating or otherwise relevant information…

The FBI also declined to pursue information it received through the agency’s tip line. The tips were forwarded directly to the White House.

One of the people they refused to interview was a man named Max Stier, who witnessed a third event not previously known where Kavanaugh exposed himself at a drunken college party while his friends helped him force a woman to fondle him.

Not only did the FBI refuse to interview Stier and others, after multiple Democratic senators requested it, they simply forwarded the tips to the White House where they knew they would be disappeared.

The Good Ol’ Boy network at the FBI does it again.

And now women have no abortion rights, exactly as they planned.

I’ve honestly had about all I can stomach from so-called American law enforcement in this country. We need to see some serious reforms happen from top to bottom once Garland is out. The agency along with police all over the country are using our tax dollars to oppress us with their sick machismo-fueled authoritarian agenda. Enough is enough. 

It’s time to completely overhaul our law enforcement agencies, top to bottom.  President Harris should immediately fire:

  • Attorney General Sleepy Garland.  Replace him with either Don Jones or Eric Holder.
  • FBI Director Wray.  Replace him with Peter Strozk.