Could this be why Trump picked J.D.Vance as his VP running mate?

We all know that Trump lies and lies and lies about what a brilliant businessman he is when, in fact, he has declared bankruptcy seven times, every business he has started has failed.  Now we learn the Vance is just like Trump:  A failure who lies about his “business” background and who stiffed his investors.

CNN:Workers allege ‘nightmare’ conditions at Kentucky startup JD Vance helped fund

“AppHarvest employees said they were forced to work in grueling conditions inside the company’s greenhouse, where temperatures often soared into the triple digits. Complaints filed with the US Department of Labor and a Kentucky regulator between 2020 and 2023 show that workers alleged they were given insufficient water breaks and weren’t provided adequate safety gear. Some workers said they suffered heat exhaustion or injuries, though state inspectors did not find violations.

Despite promising local jobs, the company eventually began contracting migrant workers from Mexico, Guatemala and other countries, numerous former employees told CNN.

While Vance stepped down from AppHarvest’s board and launched his political career in 2021, he remained an investor and supporter of the company. By the time he was sworn in to office last year, the company he’d hailed as a great opportunity was mired in lawsuits filed by shareholders angry over its plummeting stock price and allegations of fraud.

Several former employees told CNN they thought Vance and other board members should have recognized and responded to warning signs that company officials were misleading the public and their own investors.”

Over a 4 year span Vance was a board member and its public pitchman as well as investor so we can add unethical fraudster to his resume that more and more resembles Trump’s with all the flip-flopping hypocrisy and weirdness.