This is not the language of a sane person

This is NOT the language of a sane man who is in control of himself. 

Instead, this rant by Trump — posted August 6, morning — is the deranged ranting of a man who knows he’s losing, and is beginning to fear a massive public humiliation, which is the one thing that a narcissist like Trump truly cannot stand.   Just like Gollum in Lord of the Rings, The Precious was practically in Trump’s grasp again, before it was snatched away at the last minute by the nasty Harris woman, a tricky cheater, so cruel to poor Donald, who only wants what belongs to him before she stole it, yes stole it, so unfair, Gollum.


The dam is breaking – – – Republicans now recognize that Trump is old, demented, cognitively impaired.

Republicans on Monday reeled from Trump’s undisciplined approach to the opening stages of his new general election matchup with Harris — following a weekend that saw him praise Russian leader Vladimir Putin while smearing Harris as “low IQ,” and “dumb” and attacking Georgia’s governor whose turnout operation he may need in November.

“This is what you would call a public nervous breakdown,” said Matthew Bartlett, a GOP strategist and former Trump administration appointee. “This is a guy who cut through the Republican primary like a knife through butter. This is a guy who pummeled a semi-conscious president in a debate and literally out of a race. And now this is a guy who cannot come to grips with a competitive presidential race that would require discipline and effective messaging. And we’re seeing a candidate and a campaign absolutely melt down.”

Republicans who saw their party lose the White House and both chambers of Congress during Trump’s presidency have worried before about Trump’s lack of discipline. But Trump’s venting now comes at a critical point in the election, with Harris surpassing him in fundraising and gaining ground in some battleground state polls.

And Harris isn’t just “gaining ground in some battleground states,” she’s leading in all the states she needs, and is well within the margins of error in bonus states. And the trend is clear, the momentum still building.

Vice President Harris has upended the presidential race and has now built a 51%-48% lead over former President Trump, according to the latest NPR/PBS News/Marist poll.

That result is 4 points better than just after Harris got into the race two weeks ago when President Biden bowed out. Harris maintains a 3-point lead (48%-45%) when third-party choices are offered, too.

This, of course, was before she named Tim Walz as her running mate, and we’re still more than a week away from what will certainly be an electrifying convention. The media conventional wisdom still lags the polling, but it will catch up.

Trump’s condition is not likely to improve.  In fact, over the 90 days between today and the election, watch for him to descend into madness.