“Republican unity”? What Republican unity would that be?

What’s this bullshit about Republican unity

— coming out of their convention in Milwaukee?

Every Republican nominee or their family since 1988 (with the exception of Dole’s family, who remain silent) DID NOT SPEAK OR ENDORSE TRUMP.

That’s Bush I’s family, Bush II, McCain’s Family, Mitt Romney or even his previous V.P., Mike Pence.

The Republican convention was a cult gathering. 40 members of his administration, as well as people who worked in the Trump companies and his own family members, have warned us of what a danger Trump is to this country. That’s not political unity to me. That’s more like the unity shown to Jim Jones at his retreat in South America.

There are currently three types of Republicans.

  1. Those who never joined the cult,
  2. Those who left the cult to proclaim that Trump is a danger to this country (i.e. Pence, Michael Cohen, the 40 Trump cabinet members, etc.) and
  3. Those who proclaimed he was a danger to this country and then joined the cult later (Graham, Rubio, Vance etc.).