“Leaderless, rudderless, and broke” – – – the Republican Party

Another day and another victory for Donald Trump and another defeat for the Republican Party. South Carolina graciously answering the age-old question; just how stupid can one really be? The bean counters cringe as the full understanding of what Donald Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party really means.

“If Potter gets his hands on the ole building & Loan there will never be another decent home built in this town!”

Once Trump becomes the Republican nominee the RNC HAS to pay his legal bills. But Trump doesn’t want to wait that long. What was Ronna McDaniel’s grave error? She showed Donald Trump a calendar. It really becomes quite sinister looking, jockeying for power and millions of dollars. McDaniel’s was in the way of that goal and so needed to be liquidated.

Remember that scene from the film “Goodfellas”? The one where the mobsters loot the bar of all the money and liquor and then set the place on fire? Yeah, like that.

This is Trump’s last time around the league, so it’s either win or die. Take no prisoners and spare no shekels. This the same Donald Trump who had a near billion-dollar war chest and went broke before the election last time. Bringing that same financial wizardry to the table that has earned Donald Trump billions in commercial debt and half a billion or so in personal debt. All coming to a Republican Party near you!

Now just for the sake of argument, imagine yourself a down ballot Republican candidate. You’re trying plan and budget your resources for the coming election, you ask yourself; “What kind of financial support can I expect from the national party this fall?” If you said bupkis, that is the correct and obscure answer. “When they got there, the cupboard was bare and so the poor dog had none.”

In my mind’s eye, I see a derelict finance office space looted with all the desk drawers left hanging open. Ceiling tiles left loose and hanging, communication cables scattered around on the floor. Everything gone, except for the debris. Anything of even the most remote minute value taken. Unopened mail piling up on the floor. Various Trump advertisements hanging limp on the walls as the desktops gather dust. Asking, “where did all the money go?”

The flush times are over, you don’t get to be a billionaire by giving away money to people who can’t help you. The Republican Party will be required to pay Trump’s massive legal bills AND run for President  at the same time. That’s a heavy lift and now, add in the Trump corruption and its hell’s a poppin!

“I know, let’s put my daughter in-law in charge! She worked at a TV station once and knows all about it.”

It’s bold decision making like that, which encourages financial contributors to stay home. Firstly, they don’t believe Trump can win. Trump didn’t win last time and he’s less popular now. He’s more unhinged than last time, more irascible and subject to say anything. Subject to saying the things contributors don’t want to hear. Madison Avenue is made of concrete and won’t go along with the Trumpification of the Republican Party. They may not speak against it, but they won’t fund it.

Note: Trump campaigns now only from the courthouse steps and Republican funded events. Keeping his own money in his pocket or maybe, Trump doesn’t have any money? No mass rallies this time around, with angry unpaid facilities managers. This time it O.P. financing as in other peoples. The past year couldn’t have been very good year for business. “My financial future is so bright; I’ve gone into the always lucrative, Chinese sneaker business. I expect to clean up!”

This is the second hurdle, what if? What if future Trump revelations emerge putting the Party in a dark light? What if Trump becomes a convicted felon? What if Trump is actually broke on paper and is exposed to the electorate as a fraud. What if he says something beyond the pale?

There are forgivable mistakes and unforgivable mistakes. Saying, “I always love it here in Peoria!” when you’re in Ottumwa is forgivable. But calling your wife by another woman’s name in bed or anywhere else is near most always a death sentence. Trump called his wife, on stage and in front of a room full of people, Mercedes. Maybe he just confused to two because they’re both expensive to keep up when they get older.

But if I had been Donald Trump, I would have left the room through the crowd by the front door and refused going back stage. If I were a reporter working the Trump campaign, I would ask myself, Who is this Mercedes? Is there a Mercedes? Is she real? Is she the next Mrs. Trump? Was this a slip of the tongue or a slip of the dumb? Has a winner finally been decided in the “What day will Trump’s wife finally file for divorce” contest? Calling your wife by another woman’s name on stage means those apples are ripe and due to drop SOON!

One in five Obstetricians have left Idaho after repressive measures to criminalize their profession in just fifteen months. That’s damn near an exodus. The Alabama Supreme Court ruling threatening the progress of man, yet again. Reminding us; the 15th Century waits, right next door. Freezing (pun intended) an entire industry in its tracks.

Turning the world on its head and affecting thousands of parents who would otherwise be unconcerned about the issues of reproduction. But then, Donald Trump made a mistake which will never leave him. Trump took sole credit (of course) for overturning Roe V. Wade on video. Winning himself not one single new vote (preaching to the choir) while galvanizing millions.

Republicans are headed at full speed towards smithereens while the Safaris play, “Wipe Out.” On November 6th Donald Trump becomes the twice failed Presidential candidate. Term limited by father time and the grim reaper. Republicans will wake up on that morning and will find themselves leaderless, rudderless, broke and disorganized.

“He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don’t let that fool you. He really is an idiot.”
― Groucho Marx