Who are the REAL dangers to children? (HINT: Not Democrats, teachers, LGBT, transgendered, or drag queens.)

In an era where political divisions are starkly etched into the social fabric, a critical narrative has emerged, challenging the long-held stereotypes and accusations predominantly propagated by conservative factions. A TikTok video featuring lawyer Kristen Browde illuminates a disturbing reality: those who vociferously label progressives as ‘perverts’ are often the ones guilty of heinous acts against children.

Browde, through meticulous research, has compiled a comprehensive database spanning all fifty states in the United States. Her objective was clear: to identify which demographic poses the most significant threat to children in terms of sexual offenses. The results are startling and upend the conventional narrative peddled by right-wing voices. These conservative groups have relentlessly cast aspersions on liberals and progressives, accusing them of moral corruption and endangering children through education and inclusive policies.

However, Browde’s findings paint a vastly different picture. The database reveals a disproportionate number of sexual crimes against children committed by individuals often associated with conservative and religious groups. A striking example of their moral decay is the former chairman of the Republican Party in Florida, now embroiled in sexual assault allegations. Such cases starkly contrast the moral superiority often claimed by conservative figures.

The data further challenges the vilification of marginalized groups like transgender individuals and drag queens, who have been baselessly accused of ‘grooming’ children. Browde’s research shows that out of 6,368 cases of sex crimes against children, a minuscule fraction (0.061%) involved transgender individuals, and not a single case implicated a drag queen. This statistic is a damning indictment of the fearmongering tactics used by certain political factions to demonize these communities.

Moreover, the states with the highest per capita incidents of child sex crimes, as per Browde’s database, are predominantly Republican-controlled. This fact raises critical questions about the effectiveness and focus of their policies concerning child safety. West Virginia, a state under complete Republican control, reported over 2,700 victims of child sex abuse in just one year, a startling figure that further challenges the narratives pushed by conservative groups.

Browde’s work is a clarion call for a reevaluation of who the real threats to children are. It exposes the hypocrisy of those who use their positions of power and influence to deflect attention from their misdeeds by casting aspersions on others. Her database, available at whoismakingnews.com, is a testament to the importance of data-driven analysis in debunking myths and false narratives.

This revelation is crucial for progressives and all who champion the truth. It underscores the need to persistently challenge the misinformation and fearmongering tactics employed by some conservative groups. It also serves as a reminder to the public to scrutinize the motives behind certain political agendas, particularly those targeting marginalized communities under the guise of ‘protecting children.’

In conclusion, Kristen Browde’s work is a powerful tool in the ongoing struggle for truth and justice. It not only exposes the real perpetrators of crimes against children but also vindicates those unjustly accused due to their political or social affiliations. As progressives continue to deconstruct the news and disseminate their message, Browdy’s findings offer a compelling narrative that aligns with the progressive ethos of truth, inclusivity, and justice for all.

In interviewed a few months ago when she started this project I am sure you will find enlightening here.