This is a REAL photograph

New Year’s Eve, Trump’s Mar-A-Largo party.

The couple are Eric Trump, and his wife,  Lara.   Typical Trumps — trash.  And the furniture — Early American gaudy junk.


And here’s another real photo — Donald Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle.  More trash.  This photo was taken also at Mar-A-Largo.  What’s really trashy is not just them but check out the furnishings — gaudy, overdone — exactly what someone with no taste, no class would choose.


Guilfoyle is a former Fox on-air personality; she is 54, he is 46.  She is famous for taking photos of her lovers’ genitals and posting the pics online.  He was married for several years with five children.  He met Guilfoyle, dumped his wife and kids, and is now married to this ho’.