More good news: OAN is dead!!!

While Fox is still alive and well and spewing lies 24/7, at least there is one bright spot:  OAN (One America News) is dead.  Well, not completely dead, but on life support and fading fast.

Good sense, truth, and responsibility strike again! Its latest victim is One America News, which got dropped by Verizon Fios yesterday after failing to renegotiate its carrier agreement.

The divorce, which was first reported by the Daily Beast’s Justin Baragona, leaves OAN without a way to get its bullshit on the airwaves. It was already dropped by DirecTV, after which it filed a hilariously stupid breach of contract suit against AT&T, which owns DirecTV, alleging that the telecom’s board chair was a dastardly Democrat hellbent on “cutting off [OAN’s] ability to earn revenue to help fund its defense” in the defamation case filed against it by Dominion Voting Systems.

Which is exactly the LOLsuit you’d expect from a network which made Chanel Rion a “star” by flogging every election fraud conspiracy or bit of COVID misinformation crapped out of the ass-end of 4chan. Remember that time when Rion claimed that octogenarian philanthropist George Soros was tailing her around Ukraine as she and Rudy Giuliani pursued the “truth” about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter?