The Republican Party is quietly in a complete panic

What I’m talking about is the panic of the party’s pollsters and election strategists. They see the writing on the wall. They know what’s coming down the pike.

Republicans understand that Donald Trump is going off the rails. Look at his behavior.

This man seeks again, to be the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military in human history. He wants control of America’s Nuclear Weapons arsenal.

And by any objective measurement, any standard, his conduct has become completely deranged: his attacks on the Federal Judges and Judiciary; his attacks and threats on the Prosecutor in Atlanta — he’s dis-representing her, insulting her, degrading her. The attack is racist.

He is lashing out; he is decomposing. This is what 100 felony counts will do to a person.

When the trials begin, and there is action to cover and to report on, as the events are taking place, I think it is safe to say that the American people will be highly engaged.

Part of what is broken in American politics, is the life-cycle between the Media and the politician — the ubiquity of coverage, the constant presence of these people in our faces, is leading the American people to turn off their televisions.

The coverage of the Donald Trump story — as it move into its 8th year, as we approach the decade mark — has become brutally tedious. What is it that we’re supposed to talk about, day after day, after day?  When you consider his depravity, his treachery, his treason, against the United States of America.

Now Republicans in Washington DC, the ones who run the elections, are deeply panicked … they know the incredibly high price that has been paid up and down the ballot, for Trump sycophancy. They know the cost of the appeasement and collaboration — of the moral cowardice.  They know the cost of what it looks like, when these Candidates are made to seem idiotic, under questioning that they can’t keep straight. They can’t walk the fine line of being for — and against — Trump.

They can’t possibly make the case that they support and defend the Constitution of the United States.


The Extremist threat facing America, has been cooking now, for a very very long time. It has been inflamed by Social Media, by the ubiquity of Trump’s presence. By his his ability at any moment to divide, antagonize, incite.

A great test is coming for America. And this is a test that is Pass/Fail. It’s very simple. We are nearly 250 years old as a nation. Generations of American have marched into battle, to defend our Freedom. They crossed bridges, like the Edmund Pettus, for Justice.  Americans were beaten, killed, lynched, shot — SO that they could have the Right to Vote.

There is no conceivable way to sustain the United States of America outside of a system, where the People are able to pick their leaders. And this requires something from the leaders: a willingness to concede to the sovereignty and the will of the People.

Politics attracts all sorts of people: the narcissists, the vain, the needy, the searching, the yearning. It also attracts genuine servants. People who want to make the country stronger. Make it better. Defend the country.  It is so hard sometimes to see the difference, and to tell the difference between the two. But they’re there.

The test at hand means: you cannot be for the man who tried to take away the Right of the American people to choose.

The test ahead means, that you have to understand, that America is built on the concept: that if you lose, you acknowledge the will of the People.  You congratulate your opponent. You support him or her when you can, if there are areas of mutual agreement, for the betterment of something bigger … bigger than you … bigger than your state — and that’s the American Nation.

The writing is on the Republican Trump Wall.  And it sure looks awfully messy.  And incredibly DANGEROUS.