Trump, his supporters, and Republicans prove once again: They are trash, nothing but trash.

Cops forced to separate fighting Republican groups at their California state convention

California Republicans overhauled their delegate selection process today in a manner expected to help Donald Trump in 2024, the Los Angeles Times reported.

But the most interesting part of the story was what happened between two separate groups of pro-Trump protesters outside the event. Apparently confused by social media posts, they were denouncing the very action that the Trump campaign wanted.

And the best part is that they ended up trying to physically attack one another – outside a California Republican Party meeting at an Irvine hotel – until police intervened to cool them off.

Here’s how the Times reported the protest piece of the story.

“Tensions flared…with pro-Trump protesters denouncing the move (to change the delegate-selection process), police getting called and two factions nearly coming to fisticuffs,” the report said.

“Protesters wearing red ‘Make America Great Again’ caps and carrying American, Trump and ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ Gadsden flags gathered outside of the committee meeting, chanting Trump’s name and ‘America First!’ After they tried to enter the meeting and were blocked by security guards, Irvine police officers showed up and tried to cool emotions.”

The report continues:

“Later, two pro-Trump factions began screaming at each other, with one accusing the other of being white nationalists and the other responding that their foes supported open borders… They started jostling with one another and nearly came to blows until police stepped between the two groups.”

Trump shows his true colors, curses, swears at Biden and his trashy supporters go wild

Donald Trump referred to President Joe Biden on Saturday as a “dumb son of a bitch” at a rally.

The former president said well into his speech that his chief political opponent on the left side was “dumb” and then used the profane remark. Trump once made similar comments about fellow Republican Mitch McConnell, who recently froze for 20 seconds while addressing reporters.

Trump then mused about whether or not Biden would be the Democratic nominee. Trump asked the crowd if they believed Biden would be the nominee on the Democratic side, or if the GOP nominee would end up facing some identified person.Trump’s decision to ask the crowd about Biden was a pattern throughout the rally. Earlier in the same speech, Trump asked the crowd if they thought he should participate in the upcoming GOP debates. The crowd appeared to want him to attend, after which he said they just wanted that for the “entertainment” but that he has to also consider the “political” machinery.

Broadcast host interrupts rally, tells Trump’s piece-of-shit supporters to not listen to “kill ’em all” shouts

Right Side Broadcasting Network interviewer Matthew Alvarez on Saturday interrupted pre-Trump coverage of a rally to clarify that he does not want his supporters to “kill” liberals, globalists, and RINOs.

“There is something that is trending on Twitter right now… I was interviewing people… they were talking about how great the country is, how great the president is, and I heard something else that was spoken… what I’m hearing is somebody said, ‘Well let’s kill them all.’ That is not something that I agree with, obviously,” he said. The video shows a supporter saying “Kill them all,” and then Alvarez saying, “I agree with you on that.”

He continued his explanation:

“So if there is there is something that happened, where somebody was speaking out there, I didn’t hear those words spoken. It’s very loud outside. All I know is I’m here for God, for this country, for truth, for President Trump, that kind of thing. Definitely not a proponent of anything like that happening.”