Here is a Google document of 150 gynecologists who will tie your tubes without asking if you have kids, your marital status, or any other questions — no matter your age. Its sorted into alphabetical order by state.
Our Constitutional Republic faces a clear and present danger more deadly than that of the Civil War. The danger is the Republican Party, a "political party" that has sold out to white supremacy, autocracy, misogyny, and hatred of everything our Nation stands for. Republicans dismiss any sense of a common American narrative. The "Republican Party" is an outlier in our history – ideologically extreme; contemptuous of social and economic policies that have sustained us for a century; unwilling to compromise; dismissive of evidence, fact, and science; dismissive of the legitimacy of any viewpoint except their own. America needs to face the simple, frightening fact that the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic.
Here is a Google document of 150 gynecologists who will tie your tubes without asking if you have kids, your marital status, or any other questions — no matter your age. Its sorted into alphabetical order by state.