Howell, Michigan: The neo-nazis did show up and clash with the volunteer security. Many on the left are realizing that police are not up to nor in to the job of protecting us. Many on the left own guns and more are considering arming themselves. Given the state of affairs it’s not an unreasonable response because we’ve given white supremacists too much freedom for far too long to bully others into fearful silence.
The local paper details the most recent Howell incident here: White supremacists return to Howell, clash with armed counter-protestors
The city of Howell Michigan has had a problem with white supremacy for a long time. Some are trying to change that with films about Ann Frank and more recently a documentary about a local former White Supremacist. Google Michigan KKK Grand Dragon Robert Miles for a deeper dive into the history of Howell and Livingston county.
It’s not just Howell, it also happened on an I-75 overpass the other day, about a dozen Neo Nazis put up flags and signs for oncoming traffic to view. Only when locals started protesting and gathering did the police show up and monitor the situation.
In recent months members of my family have experienced extremely aggressive and threatening behavior from white adult males. In both cases (different cities) when the police learned who the aggressors were my family members were told by the police, they could do nothing to help. In one instance, in front of witnesses where my family member had video evidence the police officer stated to a property manager who also was a witness “What do you want me to do about it?”. We are a white middle class family that has never run afoul of the law. I cannot imagine if this is happening to my family what is happening with people of color and LGBTQ+ people.
The lesson here is the police are probably not going to protect you, especially against aggression from white males, neo-nazi or other wise. One officer told my family member to get a gun and learn how to use it. Fortunately we have hunters and members who are already very familiar with firearms, but we never imagined it being a first recourse!
Many gun groups and clubs are growing that support LGBTQ+ (especially trans people) such as Operation Blazing Sword, SRA and the Liberal Gun Owners Club are a few. Liberals with firearms experience are becoming instructors and those with the wherewithal are thinking about opening liberal friendly gun shops and ranges.
I’ll end this diary with what will probably be an extremely unpopular statement and that’s fine; the Democrats cannot afford to push any kind of gun control legislation at this time.
Now is not the time to push for gun legislation.
If you are considering your first firearm find a qualified instructor. Learn about safe and responsible gun ownership and handling. Gun ranges often have a selection of different guns you can rent and try to help you decide which is best for you. Most instructors and ranges are on the right, but most will not ask you why you want to learn to use a gun. Keep it to yourself. Watch a lot of YouTube videos about safe gun handling, go to the liberalgunowners subreddit and get comfortable with the terminology and community.
Here’s one of the Nazi assholes.
Notice he is carrying a Nazi flag and wearing a Confederate flag. The flags of two losers. Do we have to destroy them again? I’m all for it.