Rep. Brittany Pettersen (D-CO) is doing the job Speaker Mike Johnson and the rest of the atavistic evangelicals celebrate as God’s work — having a baby. But they’ll be goddamned if they let her do the job her constituents elected her to do — represent them in Congress. On Monday, the mother-to-be tweeted that the imminence of her delivery precluded her from traveling to DC. As a result, she asked that new parents be allowed to vote remotely.
Johnson rejected her request. He told NBC News’ Sahil Kapur:
“I’ve filed a brief with the United States Supreme Court asserting that proxy vote is unconstitutional. That’s been my belief as a constitutional law litigator, and I don’t see any way around that. And it’s unfortunate. I have great sympathy, empathy for all of our young women legislators who are of birthing age. It’s a real quandary. But I’m afraid it doesn’t fit with the language of the Constitution, and that’s the inescapable truth that we have.”
Is it “unconstitutional” Mikey? Is it a “real quandary”? Do you have “great sympathy, empathy”? I’ll save time and answer for him. No, no, and no. In fairness, I cannot read Johnson’s mind. So perhaps he does give a damn. But given his devotion to biblical gender roles, that is not the way to bet. However, as for the quandary and constitutional portions of his misogyny, the text of America’s foundational document is clear.
Article 1 Section 5 states:
“Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings”
Laws are often written so imprecisely that lawyers can charge a healthy hourly rate to argue it applies favorably to their clients — regardless of which side of the issue they are on. Sitting aloof in their perk-decorated tower, the US Supreme Court justices have been nonpareil in finding things in the Constitution that disinterested eyes cannot see. It’s how America has ended up with an unaccountable President, citizens toting war weapons to buy coffee, and women having no reproductive choice.
But in this case, the wording is clear. And Johnson knows it. The House is constitutionally permitted to conduct its business as it sees fit.
It gets worse. Johnson is well aware his position on remote voting is bullshit. In a Twitter thread, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) wrote of the speaker’s hypocrisy.
Speaker Johnson is 100% incorrect (receipts below) and he HIMSELF voted by proxy.
He thinks it’s *so unconstitutional* that he did it—not once or twice—but nearly 40 times?
Johnson has not denied the accusation. In addition, let’s note that during COVID, the Democratic House had passed legislation allowing remote voting. The GOP sued on the grounds it was unconstitutional. However, even the MAGA-adjacent SCOTUS did not overturn the decisions of a Federal District and Appeals Court ruling that remote voting was constitutionally permissible.
Johnson was a party to that suit, but when it failed, 112 GOP representatives, including Johnson, chose to vote remotely. He also removed his name from the defeated action. The guy´s only principle is to avoid confirming he’s a loser.
Even though the shifty bastard knows no federal court agrees with him, he still makes the specious claim to prevent a Democrat from voting in a Congress where the GOP has a minute and fragile minority. If the about-to-deliver Representative were a Republican, Johnson would lead the charge to institute remote voting. He is like most religious moralists. Absolute when it works to his advantage. Flexible when it helps the home team
Johnson has an advantage his predecessor did not enjoy. McCarthy’s antagonists dealt with Trump on the sidelines. He could be bombastic, but he had no official role. These House Republicans, who were never ‘profiles in courage’, are terrified that as a newly elected President, an even more powerful Trump will rhetorically punch them in the face as he plots primary challenges for any that show independence. However, as the midterms approach in 2026 and Trump’s disastrous policies start to tank the economy, a few marginal-seat GOPers may decide their electoral prospects are better served breaking lockstep and doing what is right by their independent constituents.
Johnson will not be one of them. He is a rat who will go down the ship. No matter how many women he has to sideline.